Kingdom Truth - What is the Kingdom of Heaven in the Bible?
Chapter 4, Part 2 (continued)
The Church Follows the Steps of the
"Congregation" of the Old Testament
​(3) The Result of Sinning (continued)

​     (ii) "Never Able to Come to the Knowledge of Truth".  The literal translation is "never able to come to full knowledge of the truth". The word "full knowledge" is the same word as "knowledge" in Ephesians 1:17. This full knowledge is due to God's enlightenment so that we may know the great hope of His gracious calling, the glory that God will receive in the saints, and the greatness of His power God has promised to manifest in the saints. To get hold of this kind of full revelation, one not only has to "believe in the Lord Jesus and love the fellow saints" but also has to pray to the Father of glory who grants us the spirit of wisdom and revelation. So for those who care only for themselves,it would be only natural that they cannot understand the truth, nor can they reach full knowledge of the truth.

     ''Truth" is originally ''full knowledge of truth". What is truth?  This was not only Pilate's question but is the question of all philosophers in the world.  In the history of philosophy, the search for truth has been always led by the blind in the dark! Some say that truth is the consistency between thinking and being. Others say that truth is critical thinking that is in agreement with experience.  Some say that it is the moment when thinking and being reach their mark.  Some say that it is when thinking and content are not in conflict and do not violate the principle of cognitive knowing.  Some say that it is when the content of judgment is objective, appropriate, and is in accordance with the value of idealism. Still, others say that it should be determined by practical results: only what is usable is true and only truth is useful. It can be truly said that the answers are legion with none in agreement!  Christ has already told us that He is the truth (John 14:6) and God's word is truth (John 17:17).  Truth has internal consistency as well as external extension.  So let us try to find the answer from the Scriptures and in the person of Christ.

​     Has the reader ever considered why the Scriptures are divided into three sections: the Old Testament. the Gospels and the Epistles (the book of Acts and the book of Revelation are also epistles written to individuals and the church)? This is because our Lord is truth.  The Scriptures have to be so organized in order to present His complete revelation that He is the truth in an objective manner. The Gospels clearly showed through specific events or contained in an appropriate fashion the fulfillment of all His foreshadows and prophecies in the Old Testament.  This is why it is quite common to see these words ''This is to fulfill..." in the New Testament. These words are to declare that the facts in the New Testament match the theories in the Old Testament.  When theory and fact matches, it is still not considered as truth in Christ.  All things in Christ must have practical applications. Therefore, in the Epistles of the New Testament, we see the foreshadows and prophecies of the Old Testament function as a complete unit with the facts of the Gospels, so that practical results are produced in places where the Gospels were preached. For example, the Old Testament records the prophecies about the Savior. The Gospels tell us the fact that the Savior became flesh. The Epistles exhibited the practical results of the work of salvation. In this way, through the record in the Scriptures and Christ's great salvation in reality, we find the definition of the "external extension" of truth.  Extension is theory that matches fact, producing practical result. As for the internal consistency, it is God's word: the incarnated word (Jesus) and the written word (Scriptures).  Everyone is familiar with this and no further explanation is required.

     Thus, "never able to come to the knowledge of truth" is equivalent to never "knowing the son of God and growing up to be an adult".  Also, it is not knowing the consistency and progressive nature of revelation.  just as Jesus said: ''You...not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God!"  It is not that these believers do not learn, for some even attend every meeting that comes along.  But their heart has been greased and the more they learn, the heavier the ears become, and they become more and more proud of themselves.  They think: they know everything, but in fact, they are ignorant of many basic truths.

     Not only so, some even imagine that since God is love, He must have a high tolerance level.  Love a little money, cheat a little bit, tell some little lies, lust a little..., He certainly won't mind!  If not, how would He bless me in my work?  For you self-deceivers, the reason He blesses your work is not because your character is excellent but because it is the responsibility He entrusted to you!  He is faithful and His gifts and calling are irrevocable.  Since He entrusted it to you, He will take responsibility to the end.  If your character is lawless, even if you can cast out demons and perform miracles, the gracious Lord definitely will not acknowledge you because He knows that you are lawless.  How can He allow lawless people to have authority in His Kingdom? Instead they shall be told, "Depart from Me!" and that shall be their destiny (see Matt.7:21-23).

Chapter 4, Part 2
Shepherd His Sheep